
United to Stop the Spread

United to Stop the Spread

Glenwood Hot Springs Resort is an enthusiastic business partner in a new, collaborative County-wide initiative aimed at stopping the spread of COVID-19 to keep our valleys safe and open. 

We thank ALL of our guests and employees for demonstrating safe behavior and best practices, observing all social distancing protocols. We appreciate your patronage and cooperation during this unprecedented time.

Please visit www.unitedtostopthespread.com for more information.

For businesses, for schools, for families

Por los negocios, las escuelas y las familias

We are United to Stop the Spread of COVID-19. We have all let our guard down too much. Show personal responsibility by taking these critical public health recommendations seriously and encourage your friends, neighbors and family to do the same.
  • Shrink your bubble | Limit gatherings to your household

  • Wear a mask

  • Wash your hands frequently

  • Keep your distance | 6 feet apart

  • Stay home if you are sick

Estamos unidos para detener el contagio de COVID-19. Todos hemos bajado demasiado la guardia. Demuestren responsabilidad personal al seguir seriamente estas recomendaciones críticas de salud pública y animen a sus amigos, vecinos y familiares a hacer lo mismo.

  • Cierren su burbuja | Mantengan las reuniones en persona sólo con las personas en su casa

  • Usen una máscara

  • Lávense las manos con frecuencia

  • Mantengan su distancia

  • Quédense en casa si están enfermos; lávense las manos con frecuencia