
The Shop works like magic

It is an amazing trick. Things you loaded into the beach bag before you left home, suddenly disappear. But, swim goggles, hats, flip-flops and other accessories magically reappear in our Shop. For the more serious shopper, there is an exceptionally large collection of swimwear and Colorado-style resort fashions for women, men and children. This collection will rival any boutique collection anywhere in the world. See for yourself at the Shop, located in the pool lobby.

Remember: Athletic Club Members, Pool Season Pass Holders & Lodge guests always enjoy 10% off at the Shop at Glenwood Hot Springs Resort!




The pools will be closed for regularly scheduled maintenance on Tuesday-Wednesday, November 5-6.

The Grand Pool, Therapy Pool, and the new Yampah Mineral Baths are open year-round and waiting for you. Come visit us!

Sopris Splash Zone and Shoshone Chutes are now closed for the winter season. 

Check our schedule of Pool Closures before you purchase.