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Holleigh's Health Hints: The Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera
There’s a reason Aloe Vera is described as a wonder plant; it has prolific healing properties. Check out all the ways this green cactus helps your skin. It’s an antioxidant. Aloe helps neutralize
Class Notes: Aruyveda Workshop
Marcy is hosting a one-day introduction course to Ayurveda and yoga, on Thursday, July 26 from 6 – 8 p.m. This workshop discusses yoga practices, body types, food information, and balanced health,
Guard on Duty: 4 Ways to Beat the Heat at Glenwood Hot Springs Pool
It’s getting hot out there! Try these stay-cool tips the next time you visit the Pool. ● Pay attention to your hydration. There are water fountains throughout the property.
Please welcome our newest instructor, Jessica, who will be joining us as a personal trainer and a group fitness instructor. She will be instructing TRX and Barre classes—a perfectly air conditioned
Remember no glass containers are allowed into the Club or Pool. This includes water bottles covered in rubber. Thank you for helping keep our environment safe!
To celebrate National Bikini Day on July 5, The Shop is having a sale to honor those yellow, itty-bitty, yellow, polka-dot two pieces—and beyond—from July 4 – 8. All bikini swim suits are 25%
Sunset Sounds Brings Live Music Poolside
It’s summer and the listening is easy! Sunset Sounds, Glenwood Hot Springs’ weekly music concert series, continues to soothe pool-goers every Tuesday night from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. through August
Help us celebrate two momentous occasions on Wednesday, July 4. The day marks our nation’s Independence and 130 years since we opened in 1888. We’ll be hootin’ and hollerin’ in grand American